Tuesday, August 23, 2005

EMG and quadracep recruitment

Well since i'm a physio I have to put some interesting stuff about the body on my blog sometime. So I've been part of the control group in a study done my Gisela Sole at the physio school on recruitment of hamstrings after hamstring injury. To blow confidenciality I was subject number 8, so in the next 6 months to a year I shall be in a reputable medical journal as subject 8 in the control group. The study involved me getting parts of my leg and elsewhere shaved and electrodes put over different muscle groups like the young lady in the picture here. The electrode read how much electrical activity my muscles are getting sent via my nerves (recruitment). I was then put on the Kin Com machine which assesses muscle strength of leg muscles. It was found that in my left leg I have a very good balance between hamstrings and quads while in my right side I have hamstrings which are too strong, out of balanced . This has interesting implications as I have had a hamstring injury (grd 2 muscle tear) in 1st year. The fact that it is stronger is due to overstrengthening during rehab since injury which means the body actually starts to use it (the hamstring) more in functional activities such as running more than it should, creating more strain and a higher likelihood of reinjury due to this dominance. So as it works out I could have fitted perfectly into Giselas subject group only my injury is too old. She is hypothesising that too much rehab prediposes you to reinjury of your hamstring. If you find this interesting let me know and I'll tell you the journal to find the article is in once it is published.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

here is a website which will inform you further after our conversation in your car.


8/24/2005 4:32 PM  
Blogger Ryan said...

interesting and commendable link. Low melanin concentration though, how will you live with that? what do you think of my study participation? interesting??

8/24/2005 5:04 PM  

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