Sunday, February 26, 2006

1st Update 06

Yes well it has been since last year since i posted anything so i shall fill you in a little about the previous few months
Holidays: So I spent my summer in Invers doing a bit of surfing although that wasn't much as i seemed to have terrible luck picking the right conditions, educated guesses weren't good enough this year. Spent a month and a half at Spotlight selling fabrics to all the lovely young ladies in Invercargill and doing some climbing here and there as you have seen in the couple of previous posts. Acouple of highlight from the "holiday period between Xmas and NY stick out though and they were Lake J SU camp. Check out the blog on . Secondly was a week holiday in Kinloch at the Nth end of Lake Wakatipu with my family.
School: Yes i had to come back to school again this summer for specials again but this time only for two. Against the odds I overcame once again and am now in the final stretch to becoming Mr Ryan Lobb BPhty!!
Now: I'm working at the hospital for free now which is all part of getting my degree. I am on the cardiopulmonary placement which involves alot of yucky fluids and smells etc, not recommended. although the nurses have the most delightful challenges.
Here you will see afew pictures as a snapshot of the later half of the hols til now. cheers ry

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